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Rowanfield Infant


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Introducing the team...

Miss Ferdinando - Class 7 Teacher and Year Group Leader

Miss House (Mon,Tues, Weds) & Mrs Hosford (Thurs, Fri) -  Class 8 Teachers

Mrs Hayes (maternity cover for Miss Rooke) - Class 9 Teacher 

Mrs Rimell, Mr Way, Miss Richards, Miss Groom and Mrs Shafiei - Teaching Assistants

Meet The Teachers

Start and End of Day Routine

Each morning your child should enter through the double doors on the left of the hall. The Year 2 entrance opens at 8:45am. Although teachers are happy to talk with parents briefly at this time, we ask that if you have a more detailed matter to discuss you arrange a mutually convenient time after school. Children are also welcome to attend Breakfast Club at 8.15am or 8.30am where toast, crumpets and juice are provided free of charge and is open to all children.

The entrance doors close at 8.55am and after this, your child will be classed as late. Please ensure your child is on time each day. The morning is a critical part of the day during which the children learn to read using Essential Letters and Sounds.

The school day for Year 2 ends at 3pm and the children leave via the doors on the left of the hall. Class doors are clearly labelled. Class 9 and 8 will exit via the double doors and Class 7 will exit from the glass door at the top of the ramp, to the left of the hall.

Year Group information re: PE/Games, Forest School & Homework 

 Year 2 Autumn Term

For more information on PE and Forest School kit please click here.

Overview of the Curriculum

 Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Homework Expectations



We expect your child to read daily at home. Please ensure your child’s book bag is in school every day, containing their reading books and their reading record. Every time they read, you should sign the reading record with the pages they have read. This allows the teachers to keep track of how much children are reading at home. Teachers will also record your child’s reading in school using the reading diary and communicate any relevant messages to you. We encourage children to be reading for at least 10 minutes each day to help develop their fluency and stamina. Please ask your child questions based on the text they have read to help develop their comprehension skills. Every child will have their book changed on a Friday. Reading is a fundamental skill which children need to learn at the beginning of their education therefore we need your child to be reading at home.

 To find out more about our phonics program (ELS), click here.

Useful Links for Home Learning


TT Rockstars

Oxford Owl

Hopscotch Songs