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Rowanfield Infant


Welcome to Rowanfield School!       

My name is Miss Tyler and I am the very proud Head Teacher of Rowanfield Infant and Junior School. After completing my teacher training at Rowanfield – over 17 years ago – I was lucky enough to secure a job at the school and the rest, as they say, is history!

Miss Roxanne Tyler

The children of Rowanfield Infant and Junior School make it a very special place to work. Being able to serve the children, their families and the local community is something all of the staff at Rowanfield consider a privilege.

The 4Ds of Rowanfield – ‘Dream, Drive, Duty and Dazzle’ - underpin everything we do. Through this vision we aim to nurture values, skills and attitudes that enable children and adults to develop and respond positively to all opportunities and challenges:

  • Dream: your goals and aspirations
  • Drive: your levels of determination and resilience
  • Duty: your responsibilities, manners and ‘doing the right thing’
  • Dazzle: the 'feel good factor' and celebrating differences & achievements of all!

Rowanfield was last inspected in March 2022 and was awarded the grading of ‘Good’. The inspectors reported that: ‘Leaders put pupils at the heart of all they do. Consequently, pupils are safe and happy. They enjoy learning and come to school with smiles on their faces.’

‘Leaders have raised expectations of standards and behaviour. Pupils take responsibility for their actions. They reflect on any wrong-doing and celebrate success. As a result, pupils learn without disruption.’

‘The curriculum is rich with opportunities and experiences to widen pupils’ understanding. For example, on the day of the inspection Year 1 pupils were learning about animals in science with living examples of scorpions, snakes and other creatures. Staff provide a variety of extra-curricular activities, such as sewing, gardening and craft work, as well as sports.’

‘Staff make every effort to know families well. Parents come to coffee mornings in school, where they can share their delights and concerns. This builds on the vital contact made during the COVID-19 pandemic.’

Rowanfield is proud to be an EEF research school and part of a multi-academy trust, The GLA. We work in partnership with Rowanfield Junior School, Badsey First School, Bishops Cleeve Primary Academy, Carrant Brook Junior School, Churchdown Village Infant School, Great Oldbury Primary Academy, Longford Park Primary Academy, Northway Infant School, Tredington Primary School and Springbank Primary Academy for the benefit of our children and staff.

Quality First Teaching underpins an excellent education for the children driven by the shared vision of the multi-academy trust: ‘Championing Children’. The GLA provides unique staff development opportunities, streamlined management systems and a chance for like-minded schools to work hard to develop a better future for our children. We are passionate about our success.

Visit the Gloucestershire Learning Alliance section of our website

Whilst at Rowanfield, our children have a wide range of opportunities and experiences: